Emerging as a painter, Roudman is thoughtfully bringing her familiar boldness and creativity to a predilection for large format mixed media canvases. You can tell that she's using her entire body to paint. She structures her compositions tracing large-limbed movements, varying her line with brushes ranging in size from a fraction of an inch to a hand's-width, combining explosive, colourful energy with lyrical monochromatic minimalism. Often a particular fragment of a large complex piece will capture the attention, providing an entry point to begin engaging with the many elements, colours and disparate forms that comprise most of her pieces. One identifies a signature of shaping the space, putting down the colour and holding it all together a way that is somehow reminiscent of disparate great influences in the world of art, from Lichtenstein's pop-art illustrations to Miro's large scale abstractions. 

Dina's instincts are pure, her drive is formidable and her ambition is boundless. She is open to influence from endless sources and has a healthy respect for the need to always be learning. Excellent original ideas pour out of her in a steady stream. With the work of this exhibition as an indication, we are keen to follow her development into her continuing explorations of the possibilities of the medium. Expect the unexpected. 

Written by: Sheldon Rose

Going Places

September 30, 2021

A solo exhibition

Dina Roudman